
Life of Crime 2

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  • 片名:Life of Crime 2
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Jon Alpert
  • 主演:Deliris Freddy Robert
  • 年份:1998
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录片纪录片
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:1998-11-15
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2022-07-07 07:07:09
  • 简介:''I may have limited intelligence, and limited abilities,'' said Mr. Alpert, who has earned nine Emmies. ''But one thing I do have is that people will let me into places that other people can't get into.'' The results are portraits of lives..
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  ''I may have limited intelligence, and limited abilities,'' said Mr. Alpert, who has earned nine Emmies. ''But one thing I do have is that people will let me into places that other people can't get into.'' The results are portraits of lives that are incredibly detailed and therefore convincing in their ugliness: Rob, Freddie and Deliris fall, rise and fall again to drugs, crime, irresponsibility, poverty, cruelty and disease in trajectories devoid of prime-time glamour. Freddie, just out of jail, desperately cruises and sometimes deals heroin. Deliris turns tricks in trucks while her young children wait on the sidewalk. The subjects are white and Latino, which Mr. Alpert said made him less worried about inadvertently perpetuating racial stereotypes and allowed the film to show people of all races making crucial, seemingly inevitable mistakes.


  • 0.0
  • 6.8
    Jessica Biel,Katie Couric,Amy Fine-Collins
  • 0.0
    张镇 Jang Jin,权日勇,崔奎华,金素恩 So-eun Kim,朴智妍 Ji-Yeon Park
  • 9.1
  • 8.2
    黛西·雷德利,Len J. Phillips,Bernadette Janssen,Daniel Yip,Marina Brozovic,Michael Aucoin,Jill Maria Robinson,Steve Tsang,Kathleen Brigham,Steven Muratori,Nathan Maier,Mike Anthony,Johnny Walker,Kelly Fast,Martin Kirkley,Ben Tsui,Jennifer Michaud,Wayne DeAtley,
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  • 9.3
    Campbell Scott,Eric Rolland,Tim Getman
  • 0.0
    Lilas Mayassi,Shery Bechara,Maya Khairallah,Alma Doumani,Tatyana Boughaba
  • 0.0
  • 8.9
    埃迪·霍尔,哈法·朱利葉斯·博瑞森,Žydrūnas Savickas,布赖恩·肖,马克·亨利,比尔·喀马尔,科林·布赖斯,戴维·爱泼斯坦,特里·托德